How to Find Matches on Filipino Dating Sites
Entering the Filipino dating scene and meeting new people isn’t difficult – if you’re good at socializing. Fortunately, even the most introverted single can meet their match thanks to Filipino dating sites. Compared to face-to-face meetings, you won’t feel awkward since you have more time to think about your responses. You also won’t need to worry about how your date will perceive you.
In some cases, knowledgeable singles can still have trouble finding a match if they’re incompatible with the people they meet. That’s something no amount of self-grooming and preparation can remedy. Travelers in the Philippines, in particular, can have trouble getting to know people since they’re unfamiliar with the area. With that in mind, you shouldn’t disregard the usefulness of dating sites. Read on to find out how you can use a Filipino dating site for a more fruitful love life.
Do Dating Sites In the Philippines Work?
This is a question frequently asked by its users, both new and old. Their credibility seems questionable, given the fact that you can make up practically anything on the internet. However, it would be best if you didn’t underestimate how much technology has advanced over the years. You may find a dating site that is not only reliable for your romantic life but may even play a big part in matching you with your ideal partner.
The more experienced users tend to ask this question, especially those who haven’t had much luck with online dating. The answer remains the same. Filipino dating sites work, as long as you invest the time and effort learning and using the website’s functions. Those features, while they may look complicated, are not just there for show. If you use it to the fullest, you’ll find that you’ll have better chances of seeing Filipino singles that are sure to be interested in you.

They give you the chance to meet people you usually wouldn’t meet. Your location plays a big part in finding your match. If you’re limited by the singles in your area, so to speak, then you won’t have a lot of romantic prospects. Dating websites remove that geographical barrier and, in most cases, expand your dating pool.
The effort you invest in the dating site won’t be wasted, unlike conventional dating. The usual process of getting to know someone doesn’t always end with you hitting it off. Both of you may have drastically different interests, to the point that you can’t carry a conversation. In some cases, you can even have irreconcilable differences.
Filipino dating sites reduce the chances of that happening. They sort out the profiles and help you find people with similar, if not the same, interests with you. However, that can only happen if you supply the site information it can work with, from your preferences to your hobbies. Be as specific as you want!
Of course, using a Filipino dating site to the fullest is easier said than done. With that in mind, here are some pointers you can start with as you’re figuring things out.
Start by working on your profile
Before you start looking for ‘the one,’ you might want to take a moment to prepare from your side of the internet. The best way to do that is to polish your profile and make it look appealing. While this tip is mainly for new dating site users, experienced users should also take notes. You should especially pay attention to your profile picture, as well as its description.

Choose a picture that captures you at your best. Don’t think too hard about it, though! An image where you’re genuinely happy is always an excellent choice to consider. If you’re having a hard time settling on a choice, go with what you feel comfortable putting on your profile.
For your description, try to be as genuine as possible. Find a balance between expressing yourself and presenting you at your best. Even so, don’t lie about yourself in your description. Not only is it rude to your potential match, but the effort of keeping up the lie will also eventually become tiring. Most of all, honesty is a trait that Filipino singles value. If your partner finds out that you’ve been lying to them, your relationship is most likely over.
Once you’ve finished setting up or revamping your profile, it’s time to learn to use the dating site. Focus on learning about navigating the site and exploring its features. Once you’ve become more familiar with it, you should start utilizing said features more. Take full advantage of the search filters, especially if the dating site you’re using has developed theirs well.
Make use of the search filters
Search filters are Filipino dating sites’ greatest perks. It’s the main reason most people use them, if not for the increased connections to people. It will be your best friend, especially if you’re a traveler staying in the Philippines for a while. No more wasting time getting to know someone and finding out that you’re incompatible. Dating sites will connect you to Filipino singles who already have your ideal traits.
That’s why it pays to be detailed and specific when using a dating site’s search filters. If you give the website as much data about your ideal partner, it’ll do its best to return matches that will suit you well.
As a note of caution, don’t be too strict with your preferences. Don’t just look for someone that checks all your boxes. While dating someone with the same interests as you seems ideal, it also means that you’re limiting your options. Opposites do attract, after all. If you date someone with a different perspective as you, you’ll get the chance to learn and experience new things.
Focus on thinking about your relationship deal breakers and implementing it to the search filter. That way, you can get to know a wide variety of people– even those you thought you would dislike. The diverse interactions you’ll experience will make for a better and more enjoyable dating experience.
On some occasions, there may come a time that online dating can feel tiring. It’s inevitable, especially if you spend a lot of time using dating sites and chatting with many people. When that happens, don’t forget that you can always take a breather from the Filipino dating scene.
Learn to pace yourself
Social fatigue is a common reason people become tired of online dating. If you’re feeling the same, you might be talking to too many people at the same time. It’s tempting to juggle your interactions since it indicates that multiple people find you attractive. However, you’re doing them no favors if you stretch yourself out, trying to talk to them all at the same time. You’ll just drain your energy more quickly and end up neglecting some messages.
Limit yourself to talking to one or two matches at a time. This is especially significant when dating in the Philippines, since Filipinos prefer monogamous relationships– at least for older generations. More importantly, you’ll be able to focus more on your messages, which will lead to more pleasant and fulfilling interactions with your dates.
Even with the right preparations, online dating is not always smooth sailing. Sometimes you’ll hit a rough patch and end up with countless rejections. Other times, you won’t find anyone that feels like a good match with you. If that’s the case, it might be a sign to stop and take a break from dating for a few days.

If you stubbornly continue despite perceiving the above signs, it’ll end up doing more harm than good. Your frustration will affect your interactions with your matches negatively. That, in turn, will further frustrate you, creating a cycle that results in nothing but disappointment.
Once you find yourself beginning to become dissatisfied with the profiles you come across, call it a day and rest. There’s no harm in taking it easy on occasion. When you return, you’ll feel more refreshed and become more successful while talking to your matches.
Make an effort to get to know your match
There might be a lot of fish in the sea, but some forget that it takes some time to know if you have a catch. Patience is an important trait to have, especially if you’re dating in the Philippines. Filipino singles are romantics at heart, so they’re used to taking it slow in a relationship.
This aspect of theirs also carries over to online dating, which can sometimes feel tiresome for foreigners. Despite what you may think, this actually leads to more lasting and intimate relationships. Taking a bit of time to get to know someone allows you to learn more about the person, which you can’t always do if you rush a relationship.
If you’re looking for something serious, then this shouldn’t be an issue for you. Singles looking to date casually, however, shouldn’t forget to respect their date’s feelings. Be straightforward about the relationship you’re seeking. Try to tell your partner as soon as you can and avoid leading them on. They’ll appreciate your honesty.
Be genuine in your interactions
When talking to someone you like on Filipino dating sites, it’s natural that you want to look appealing to them. As a result, some people think that having an agreeable personality is a must for Filipino dating. It’s not. What Filipinos like is someone sincere, affectionate, and humorous.
You might have an online persona that is vastly different compared to how you act in real life. That’s alright as long as you’re not forcing yourself to act from what feels natural. After all, not everyone acts the same behind the screen and in person. As you get to know your date, you’ll find that they’re just as multifaceted as you are.
Getting to know your match and chatting with them often is fun. Even so, don’t forget that you must also meet personally– once you’re both more comfortable with the idea. If you don’t, your relationship is unlikely to last.
As you continue to talk with your match behind the screen, you will begin to create expectations about each other. If you do meet, either of you may be disappointed that your match isn’t exactly as you imagined. Meeting in person is the best way to keep those expectations from becoming unreasonable.
On a final note, dating isn’t always easy – may it be in real life or on Filipino dating sites. Nevertheless, one should be open to the idea that dating sites are also a valid option to consider when finding romantic prospects. If you do so, you’ll find that you’ll have more chances to find your ideal partner.